Friday, July 27, 2012

Inconvenient Truth

Not all skinny jeans are created equal. They just aren't. Likewise, not all people are meant to wear skinny jeans. Trust me, you'll get over this so fast when they aren't EVERYwhere next season. 

Mostly, they propelled into popularity recently due to teenage girls wanting to give their Dad's heart attack's the tunic/flowy shirt trend - which goes with the theory that if you wear baggy up top you need to be slim on the bottom and vice versa

Skinny jeans are not the best choice for a majority of the population. It's extremely hard to wear the extreme taper that comes with the skinny jean. They are not universally flattering  and typically only look how they should on the skinny, long legged variety hence the name.

A more well suited style jean - that tends to be more universally attractive and flattering - is the straight leg. It has the same concept as the skinny jean but just not with the extreme slim cut from the hip to ankle - and unlike the skinny jean, the straight leg jean looks GREAT on curvy and petite/curvy frames alike. 

Where skinny jeans can make short and pear shaped gals appear hippy-er and shorter than they are ... the straight leg can give the illusion of longer legs and a slimmer bottom half - especially when paired with a blazer. Where skinny jeans can be an agonizing experience for a curvy gal - straight leg jeans can make you appear slimmer and taller. Another BEAUTIFUL and attractive option is the bootcut jean. It really provides a nice balance to any figure short/tall, curvy/skinny and is more forgiving through the hip/thigh.

There are many other fits that work well with all figures, the purpose of this post was mostly to convey that contrary to what various mediums will have you believe the skinny jean is not the universal truth. However, no matter what style/size/cut jean you're shopping for, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Dark wash prevails. It's universally attractive, slimming and stylish - always. Lighter wash jeans will never be acceptable in the work place - for good reason.
  • Tailor, tailor, tailor. Tailoring is key. If your jeans are too long and you morally object to wearing a heel that makes them the appropriate length get them tailored. If your jeans are too long and you want the option of wearing them with heels or flats - get them tailored. Otherwise you will look sloppy and can make you appear heavier than you are. No matter how skinny/curvy you are. 
  • Fit. We all need to be honest with ourselves and what size we are. An ill fitting pair of jeans can take a stylish outfit to tramp town very quickly. When trying on jeans look at yourself from all angles in the horrible lit rooms with the three sided mirrors. If the jeans look good in there they'll look AMAZING in reality. Be honest with yourself. Don't make a pair of jeans work because a magazine/friend/TV show says so. Find what looks great on YOU!
Life is too short to not have a good pair of jeans!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tall Gals

*LOVE* moment: When a tall girl, wears a super tall heel. 

Men. Eat your heart out.

Work. It. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Perfect Gift

What I thought would be a nice to have part of my business, has actually become the most popular service that I offer; that of finding the perfect gift. It's ellusive and there isn't one set gift that works for someone every time. Everyone is so, so different.

Here are a few suggestions to help you find a truly stand out gift for anyone on your list or call me and I'll do it for you!

The gift is not for you. Period. End of discussion. To find, and give, a truly special, unique or memorable gift,  for any occasion, you have to remove yourself from the equation and really think about the person who s receiving your gift. What do they like to do in their spare time? Do they have a specific hobby? What's their favorite color or food? Are they a pet enthusiast? Do they consider themselves an environmentalist? Many times we let our own hobbies or interests determine someone else's gift. Or we see something that we love so much that we assume they will too. They very well might - but only if they have similar likes to yours. Nine times out of ten they do not.

A nice, thoughtful gift doesn't have to be spendy. Homemade gifts are just as thoughtful as store bought ones.  The summertime is full of cookouts, family traveling through town, and visits with friends. Common courtesy says to bring something with you when you are faced with one of these scenarios. I love a good mason jar filled with cookie mix wrapped in a nice colorful or seasonal dish towel. I'm going to be honest, alcohol is always a nice touch if your host/hostess drinks alcohol. However, I would shy away from this unless you are certain that they drink alcohol and you know whether they are a beer or wine person.

Then there's the thank you gift. My solution for the perfect thank you gift is two fold. First, write a note. The art of writing a thank you note has all but died and it's one of the cheapest and most thoughtful, kind things you can do to show appreciation for someone. Second, send a gift basket. They are such a nice touch and there are so many options to choose from. Plus, it's a great way for the recipient's family to know they are appreciated for the effort they all put forward.

But remember when in doubt, or if you need a little guidance - I'm here to help you!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

It's getting hot in here ...

So take off all your grey clothes.

Seriously. That's what you should do if you are wearing grey in the summer.

When dressing for the heat, there are certain items to stay away from. Not all fabrics are created equal and neither are our glands. What works for models in a catalog when it's typically still freezing cold outside will not necessarily work for you when it's actually hot out ...

The color grey.
I actually own a few grey tops. I love them. I would recommend grey for you too probably. Just not ever as pants. Why? Well read this and then you'll know why.

During the sweltering days of summer I would also recommend not wearing grey tops. Because I don't care how little you sweat, we all sweat some and pit stains at work or in general is not stylish.

Read above about the aforementioned pit stains. Satin in heat is a disaster. The fabric loves to cling to your curves. Which is why satin and satin fabrics are wonderful. Flaunt your body ladies! But satin in summer is a swampy, pitty mess. Stear. Clear.

Let's end on a positive note, shall we ...
Fabrics I LOVE for summer:
100% cotton/cotton blends - easy, breezy, comfy and classic.
Linen - new linen fabrics are SO easy to care for. Gone are the days of dry clean only or hand wash after clipping your nails to less than 1 cm before care ... No mas. Thank gah!
Anything with some Spandex in it - cause we all want to accentuate what our Momma's gave us - but not be super uncomfortable during the dog days of summer.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Maxi Dress

So many people I know shy away from Maxi dresses because they claim that they don't give them any shape. And they aren't completely wrong. This is sometimes true. But not if you find the right one. How can this happen, you ask? Read below.

Belt it. 
Some Maxi dresses don't have a defined waist or the waist is cinched with elastic. This is the perfect opportunity to throw on a belt; instantly giving you a defined waist. It may take a few belts to find the one ... I'm partial to medium-size, woven belts that are popular this season. These belts are a classic, timeless piece that you won't have to worry about going out of style.
Find it at GAP by clicking here

Part of why Maxi dresses are sooooo comfy is because they are long. I like to think of them as sanitary for this very reason. I love things that protect your thighs from germssss. Keep in mind, if you find a Maxi dress that you love, but it's very long on you, you have two options:

  1. Get 'er hemmed. 
  2. Wear a tall, wedge sandal.

On the other end of the spectrum, are the tall girls that find most Maxi dresses not long enough. This could potentially create a stressful shopping day. Sales people are there to provide information about the clothes they are selling. They see people in the clothes thousands of times each day. They'll be able to tell you how the Maxi dresses run ... it's music to tall gals ears to hear They run on the long side. Since that means the length will be perrrrrfect for them.

Bright colors are all the rage this season but don't neglect the neutral in all the color fan fare. Plus, a good neutral dress allows you the opportunity to add your pop of color with accessories. Or not. Neutral's will always be in style. Outrageous colors will not. Note: the marigold dress is not technically a neutral, however, due to the cut, and the not neon color, this dress is timeless.
Get it at Banana Republic here

Get it here

Get it here

Get it here

Bottom line: don't let a cool, easy, breezy Maxi dress keep you in pants/shorts/skirts all summer. Just be a smart Maxi dress shopper! Or let me be your shopper!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day weekend. To me Memorial Day symbolizes relaxing, pool and family. And since getting married, Band of Brothers marathons. To many it symbolizes travel, shopping and remembrance.

Despite our economic situation, there's an interesting article about how based on social media sentiments, in a survey conducted by IBM, there's more chatter this year than last year about not only traveling for Memorial Day but also shopping during the Memorial Day holiday. This is good news. Spending money is good news, generally speaking.

To encourage any and all shopping many retailers offer some amazing deals during Memorial Day weekend. The Spring and Summer collections have had time to circulate so you can find some great items on sale. Many offer coupons in addition to already reduced prices. Car dealerships are also known for having sales during Memorial Day weekend but it's probably a good idea under any and all circumstances to do your research before heading out to make a significant purchase like a car. Despite the holiday.

Remember, if you intend to do your shopping online be sure to go through Ebates! Make $$ while you spend $$!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pin It

You may have heard of a little thing called Pinterest? If not, it now rivals Facebook as far as addictions go. I held off for a very long time, but a very dear friend suggested that I use it as another way to showcase how I can help people with their shopping and style; by "pining" clothing or accessories that I love and find attractive to my boards ... genius! And so, here I am, on Pinterest and completely addicted.

Pinterest, the way they describe it, is a virtual pin board -- if you find something beautiful on the web you can pin it to your board to share with others. Or you can browse through Pinterest to see other people's boards and either like an item they have on their boards, or repin an item to your board if you find it especially decadent. You can pin just about anything ... from DIY projects, to food, to items for the home, to SomeECards. The sky's the limit.

In the event you would like to follow me on Pinterest here's where you can make that happen: And to start pinning you need to install a pin it button on your computer.

Congratulations! You're now well on your way to not getting anything else done today!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Online Shopping - hayyyy

Online shopping can be a great time saver ... especially if you shop certain stores frequently and know your size otherwise online shopping can get frustrating quickly. Two of my favorite things are a.) shopping and b.) making money. Throw the word "online" in front of shopping and I'm hooked.  A great way to maximize your online shopping experience is through a little gem called Ebates.

Think of Ebates as a host of a party, and the attendees are every store you could ever imagine. Such as: Home Depot, Ann Taylor, Kate Spade, Nordstrom, Godiva, drug stores, shoe stores, kid stores, etc. Pretty amazing party right? It gets better ...

Anyone can shop this party. AND when you do shop through Ebates, you get cash back. After you sign-up, whenever you need to do any online shopping, go to Ebates click the store you want to shop's link and you're on your way to getting cash back for however much you spend at that store. Examples:

You're killing time, don't have anything in particular to shop for, so you go to Ebates and see a daily double for 13% cash back at Old Navy. With that kind of return on your total purchase, you'll find SOMEthing to purchase. 
You need shoes for Cousin Mary's wedding. You know you'll get cash back through Ebates so you go there, search "Women's Shoes" and are provided with a laundry list of stores and the cash back deals they provide on your total purchase. Cousin Mary's wedding just got a little sweeter for you too, didn't it?!?

Hey, the way I see it is this: If you're going to be spending money, why not make some money?

Monday, May 14, 2012


Staying within a customer's budget is key to a good customer service experience - especially given the economy. But you can still look great and stylish without breaking the bank. You can look great and stylish at any price!

Let's say your budget is $100 and you want a complete look - shoes and accessories:

Walmart!! So cute

Also in black ... 

Pair with this bangle ... 
Forever 21 Chevron bangle ... 

Or this one ...
Forever 21 Gold bangle ...

And finally these earrings (for either bracelet)
Last Call Neiman Marcus ... 

Goes to show you can have great style for under $100 ... and this look can get even less expensive. By relying on places with great coupon deals like Macy's you can find great earrings and bracelets for next to nothing. Also, don't discount stores like Target for great jewelry and inexpensive shoes. 

You can also find great shoes and clothes - though it's hit or miss and often requires a lot of time and patience - at places like TJ Maxx, Ross or Marshall's. 

Looking great shouldn't be frustrating and it should never cost a fortune.  

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What is a personal shopper?

Welcome to my new business venture and blog ... P.S. I got it covered.

Personal shoppers can run the gamut from Rachel Zoe, celebrity stylist, to independent people, like me, who just enjoy shopping and helping others find the right look, dress, suit or gift. I have worked in retail and loved it, I had a large client following and was often the #1 sales person in the store ... and I was working part time. So, after much consideration and two kids and a husband later, I decided let's give it a go as an independent personal shopper. Here are some scenarios that will help you understand where I can assist you and your shopping needs:

Scenario 1: Just had a baby
If you have recently had a bundle of joy then, like me, you may find that your body decided to play musical chairs. READ: things aren't/don't look the way they did before. So, that may mean that a particular style of dress or pants looked great pre-pregnancy but now, post-pregnancy does not. This can be a very frustrating feeling. Here's how I can help: I'd be happy to meet with you to find out what you're looking for - a few key pieces? A new wardrobe? A couple of pants? Whatever I can do to help you feel and look great is my goal. It's amazing the difference a few key pieces can do for a closet :)

Scenario 2: Business Man
Many business men don't have the time to go shopping for clothes for work. And let's be honest, don't enjoy it or hate shopping all together. One of my areas of expertise is shopping for men. Whether it's a new suit or a few ties or a good selection of casual clothing options - I can help men with all of these requests. Men are a great and often overlooked clientell and are so appreciative of help with shopping. Please don't hesitate to pass along my information to any men you may know that may need my shopping expertise.

Scenario 3: Big Event
Maybe you have a fundraiser coming up and don't know where to start ... maybe it's a wedding or a black tie formal ... have no fear. I'd be happy to help you with all of these right down to your accessories and shoes. Some people are too busy to go shopping, some freak out because they don't know where to start and some just decide since they are too busy or too freaked out to not go. Let me help you find a look that will make you feel confident and excited for your evening out!

These scenarios are just a sample of the range of my expertise. Maybe you have a vacation coming up that you need help shopping for. Maybe you have children and find that you haven't been in a store in ages and need a wardrobe refresh. Maybe you're a bride and realize that with the wedding coming up you need help shopping for presents for your bridesmaids. I can assist with all of these and I'm excited to do it and it's what I love to do.

Give me a call - customer satisfaction is my goal and I'm ready and willing to help! Check this blog often for updates, promotions, and style advice! Remember, whatever it is, I got you covered!!