Monday, May 21, 2012

Pin It

You may have heard of a little thing called Pinterest? If not, it now rivals Facebook as far as addictions go. I held off for a very long time, but a very dear friend suggested that I use it as another way to showcase how I can help people with their shopping and style; by "pining" clothing or accessories that I love and find attractive to my boards ... genius! And so, here I am, on Pinterest and completely addicted.

Pinterest, the way they describe it, is a virtual pin board -- if you find something beautiful on the web you can pin it to your board to share with others. Or you can browse through Pinterest to see other people's boards and either like an item they have on their boards, or repin an item to your board if you find it especially decadent. You can pin just about anything ... from DIY projects, to food, to items for the home, to SomeECards. The sky's the limit.

In the event you would like to follow me on Pinterest here's where you can make that happen: And to start pinning you need to install a pin it button on your computer.

Congratulations! You're now well on your way to not getting anything else done today!

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