Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Online Shopping - hayyyy

Online shopping can be a great time saver ... especially if you shop certain stores frequently and know your size otherwise online shopping can get frustrating quickly. Two of my favorite things are a.) shopping and b.) making money. Throw the word "online" in front of shopping and I'm hooked.  A great way to maximize your online shopping experience is through a little gem called Ebates.

Think of Ebates as a host of a party, and the attendees are every store you could ever imagine. Such as: Home Depot, Ann Taylor, Kate Spade, Nordstrom, Godiva, drug stores, shoe stores, kid stores, etc. Pretty amazing party right? It gets better ...

Anyone can shop this party. AND when you do shop through Ebates, you get cash back. After you sign-up, whenever you need to do any online shopping, go to Ebates click the store you want to shop's link and you're on your way to getting cash back for however much you spend at that store. Examples:

You're killing time, don't have anything in particular to shop for, so you go to Ebates and see a daily double for 13% cash back at Old Navy. With that kind of return on your total purchase, you'll find SOMEthing to purchase. 
You need shoes for Cousin Mary's wedding. You know you'll get cash back through Ebates so you go there, search "Women's Shoes" and are provided with a laundry list of stores and the cash back deals they provide on your total purchase. Cousin Mary's wedding just got a little sweeter for you too, didn't it?!?

Hey, the way I see it is this: If you're going to be spending money, why not make some money?


  1. I've either a) been living under a rock or b) had my head stuck in the sand, because I've never heard of Ebates. You are the greatest. :)

  2. I think we can cut you a litttttttle slack since you are an ocean and a continent away ;)
